
I guarantee all my work for 12 months and should you have any issues in that time I would like to know so I can rectify these issues. There however limits to what is included in the guarantee. My guarantee covers the work I do myself, not that done any subcontractors, though I will make you aware of their guarantee should it be less than mine. If a defect arises I will either reperform the service, or where the part is included in a service or repair, repair or replace the part using parts that are new or equivalent to new in performance and reliability.

I cannot guarantee springs (most notably mainspring, suspension springs and click-springs), or guts, lines, wires and cables, and the damage caused should one of these fails. There are far too many factors outside of my control, such as environmental and accidental damage that can play a part in the longevity of these parts. These parts are inspected for damage and renewed as part of a service if they are deemed to be faulty.

I do not guarantee timekeeping. There are many factors outside of my control that will affect how well an item will keep time.

Where a defective item is returned requiring further service, parts, or work, outside the scope of the original estimate of work paid for, I will provide a new estimate for that work, service, or parts. You will have the option to accept the new estimate and pay for the service or request the item be returned un-repaired.

Should a house visit be conducted, and it’s found the fault is not something included in my guarantee, I will reserve the right to charge a call out fee.

Should an item need to come back to me for repair, it is up to the customer to get the item back to me unless otherwise agreed upon.

Your item is no longer covered by my guarantee if the issue you are reporting was caused by accidental damage due to accident, abuse, liquid spill or submersion, neglect, misuse (including repair, or maintenance by anyone other than myself), unauthorized modification, extreme environment (including extreme temperature or humidity), extreme physical or electrical stress or interference, fluctuation or surges of electrical power, lightning, static electricity, fire, acts of God or other external causes.

In extreme circumstances I reserve the right to revoke my guarantee either in part or in full. I am not legally obligated to provide a guarantee but do so as a gesture of goodwill to my customers.

I reserve the right amend or modify this guarantee at any point.